Artist:Four Tet
Release Date:2001
Label:Domino Recording Co.
Genre: Electronic
Style: Abstract, Downtempo
1 | Glue Of The World (5:02) | |
2 | Twenty Three (3:34) | |
3 | Harmony One (1:41) | |
4 | Parks (6:03) | |
5 | Leila Came Round And We Watched A Video (1:39) | |
6 | Untangle (4:36) | |
7 | Everything Is Alright (2:31) | |
8 | No More Mosquitoes (3:39) | |
9 | Tangle (3:44) | |
10 | You Could Ruin My Day (7:03) | |
11 | Hilarious Movie Of The 90's (3:29) |
On his second full-length as Four Tet, producer/mixologist/computer kid Kieran Hebden further f*cks with the notion that turntablism and electronica are essentially "nothing more than" computer music. While it's true that all the rhythms, melodies, and harmonies here are collaged samples combined with turntable wizardry, uninformed listeners would be hard-pressed to find anything but a few drum loops that sound as if they were composed and recorded by a band. For starters, on his opener, "Glue of the World," acoustic guitars, zithers, harps, and string basses wander around a minor-key riff that is augmented by a slip 'n' slide hip-hop rhythm with a sharp, in-your-face, drum-'n'-no-bass interlude. The track is a weave; it blends new age, acoustic jazz, and flamenco music in a golden braid that is heavenly. On "Twenty Three," steel drums, bells, and African and Balinese rhythm instruments open the way for an electric piano and acoustic guitar riff aided by a set of congas and bongos to come charging in DJ Shadow style. Just as the West African folk music theme settles, Hebden kicks it with hip-hop and a front line of trumpets, playing a long, slow, languid melody line, turning it into who knows what, but it's cool. It's also beautiful that there are small interludes of found sounds, like typewriter keys re-sequenced against an electric piano to create nothing but an ambient rhythm track that sounds as much like somebody shuffling things around on a desk as anything else -- until you pay attention. On tracks like "Untangle," where the percussion sounds a little less organic, Hebden demonstrates with flashes and cross-fades how rhythms from all over the world can be unified by the turntablist's skill -- or perhaps by musicians themselves willing to play together, which would be ideal. When the guitars and the bajo sexto kick in with the drums and the loops, it's the freakin' United Nations on stun, kickin' up a grand-style peace whoop. Four Tet's Pause offers more proof that DJ culture still has plenty to offer, and that Keiran Hebden is just getting started in his experimentation with transcultural electronica. Organic as dirt, and full of an acid-head's sense of space, this one's a winner from start to finish.(from AMG)
我的碎碎唸。。。。。。評價指數:8.3/10這是一張2001的發行了,一點都不新鮮了,還沒有聼過的朋友,可以下載來聼聼。Four tet總是能讓我感覺到周圍很明亮,各種聲音採樣能夠將我的耳朵充分填滿。打字機、蚊子嗡嗡叫、稚嫩的童聲。。。在他的音樂裏匯集,各種拼湊在他的音樂裏就像是雕花玻璃一樣,折射著陽光,呈現著五顔六色讓人目眩神迷的光斑。最令我為之折服的是他能遊刃有餘地使用著東方的、中國的弦樂,而且用得恰到好處,沒有矯揉造作的感覺。這是一張很不錯的唱片,雖然我更喜歡之後的rounds,但是這張也是十分地值得一聼。
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