Album:Worms In My Piano
Release Date:2006
Genre: Electronic, Jazz
Style: Experimental, Contemporary Jazz, Minimal
1 | Sumu (2:56) | |
2 | Haapavesi (3:44) | |
3 | Metsä (3:22) | |
4 | Worms In My Piano (2:32) | |
5 | Lyhty (3:41) | |
6 | Ikuisuus (4:36) | |
7 | Suruista Suurin (3:00) | |
8 | Winter Song (2:58) | |
9 | Välisoitto (2:56) | |
10 | Uusi Aamu (4:24) | |
11 | Junassa (4:27) |
Deary me, another artist debut that has literally floored all of us in the office - a shimmering, homespun amalgam of delicate twilight music that fans of Colleen, Deaf Center, Max Richter, Marsen Jules, Brian Eno, Greg Haines, Stars of The Lid and so on will absolutely adore. Hannu (real name Hannu) is from that Scandinavian snowy vodka-logged tundra which we have all fallen in love with, and luckily the music here evokes similarly icy imagery. Like Hannu's countrymen The Gentlemen Losers, this music perfectly evokes a crackling log fire, burning away as you peruse old photo albums and eat hot soup, or even a summery night of quiet contemplation. Taking cues from Colleen's or Es's horizontal loop-laden adventures Hannu takes us on picturesque journeys through his musical landscapes, each song an audio poem to unseen vistas, to drifting seas and crimson skies, to secret gardens and to bottomless wardrobes. His music is beautiful in that exciting, mystifying sense - music which genuinely gives you a sense of awe and romance at the big wide world. If you don't believe me just lend your ears to 'Haapavesi', the album's second track and one of its most perfectly crafted moments - tiny glockenspiels echo over hisses and crackles before being joined by low-slung guitar melodies and deep, booming bass with everything sounding like it has been filtered through some decomposed music box or other. Elsewhere we are treated to the harrowing acoustic doom of 'Lyhti', with bells and high pitched string sounds that would give Svarte Greiner a run for his money, and the unusual harpsichord-led jazz shuffle of 'Winter Song', but this is an album that tells a tale and one which is best enjoyed in one sitting, from beginning to end. 'Worms in my Piano' is a fascinating debut from an artist who is sure to go from strength to strength, and although it might be getting close to summer this is a disc you're going to be able to enjoy all year long, just remember to bring the vodka. Absolutely beautiful stuff and just about indispensable for fans of Type, Miasmah or Buro...(from boomkat)
Hannu Karjalainen lives in Helsinki, Finland. His surname is unpronouncable to non Finno-ugric language speakers so prefers to simply be known as Hannu. His musical background includes a free-grindcore band Abyss at the age of 11 plus lots of teenage experiments with four-track recorders and synthesizers.
His source of inspiration is nature, landscape, weather, light, places, friends.. etc. His music captures a mood or a feeling of a place, to take the listener somewhere for a moment. The album is a very personal statement and it is mostly recorded and produced at home in Helsinki but some of the songs utilize sounds culled from four-track recordings he made as a teenager in his home town in Northern Finland.
This debut album is being mastered by Sami aka ES who runs the Finnish Fonal label.
我的碎碎唸。。。。。。推薦指數:8.7/10His source of inspiration is nature, landscape, weather, light, places, friends.. etc. His music captures a mood or a feeling of a place, to take the listener somewhere for a moment. The album is a very personal statement and it is mostly recorded and produced at home in Helsinki but some of the songs utilize sounds culled from four-track recordings he made as a teenager in his home town in Northern Finland.
This debut album is being mastered by Sami aka ES who runs the Finnish Fonal label.
某一個夜裡,黑暗的草原上發出蠢蠢欲動的噪音,那彷彿是從險峻的地表下所崩裂出來的聲音。環顧四周,當聲音愈加貼近耳際,整個人被寒夜迫人的陰氣逼得蜷縮。往往我都認為,那群森林裡的精靈在作祟,貼近一望,才知道林蔭後是一幕別有洞天的天然景觀,直呼過癮。芬蘭人Hannu Karjalainen在他化名為Hannu的首部作品「Worms in my piano」裡,企圖營造出猶如聽見Brian Eno、Colleen與Fennesz等人陰暗奇辯的環境詩篇;他不似William Basinski一成不變地令人恐懼,也沒有Arvo Pärt叫人驚呼的前衛手段。「Worms in my piano」是一張乾淨、雅致、童趣與靜謐的Ambient音樂作品。Hannu仍試圖透過笛聲與箏琴等原音樂器來暖和身心處在迫寒底下的惶恐不安,對於聲音精雕細琢的追求令人激賞。音樂之外,Hannu亦是一名出色的電影人與自然攝影師;「Worms in my piano」從音樂至影像設計一氣呵成的概念,個人認為非常難得。(引自節點)
Thanks for sharing. :)
You're amazing.
thank you:)
you are welcome.
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