Artist:Tara Fuki
Release Date:2003-11-11
Label:Indies Records
Genre: Folk
Style: Folk,Classical
1.Cichy Placz
5.Daj mi znac
8.V dymu
10.Na lace
Both of these two energetic violoncellists come from Northern Moravia, where they were passing by each other while studying at the Ostrava Conservatory. They met one year ago in Brno during their musicology studies at the Philosophical Faculty. Andrea (born in 1972) was at that time featured in the band BOO and in the international music-dance formation Rale, while Dorota (born in 1975) was playing with the Brno-based alternative band Lippany. They were both willing to play in an acoustic structure ; moreover it appeared soon that Dorota had a beautiful voice. In their music and texts, they get inspired by the poetry of the night and by the dreams, which they consider as extractions from the sub-conscious. "It is because what happens to us during the night is totally different and sometimes even truer than what we perceive in the day," says Andrea. Just like dreams, their music is able to gently caress and soothe, but also to hurt with its brutal urgency.
Their texts are written in Polish, which, as they unanimously agree, they have flowing in their veins. Dorota's mother is Polish and the great-great-great-grandmother of Andrea was a Polish countess. Moreover, "the Polish language is far more fit for singing because it has softer consonants and vowels than the Czech language. I think that in that language my voice even has another coloration" says Dorota.
Their own musical style is so original that it escapes all possible classification, but it rather surely pines for communication with the receptive and open listener who is not afraid to dream.
After a first successful tour in the year 2000 in the Czech Republic, France and Germany, TARA FUKI also plans to visit Poland. (from Amazon)
Their texts are written in Polish, which, as they unanimously agree, they have flowing in their veins. Dorota's mother is Polish and the great-great-great-grandmother of Andrea was a Polish countess. Moreover, "the Polish language is far more fit for singing because it has softer consonants and vowels than the Czech language. I think that in that language my voice even has another coloration" says Dorota.
Their own musical style is so original that it escapes all possible classification, but it rather surely pines for communication with the receptive and open listener who is not afraid to dream.
After a first successful tour in the year 2000 in the Czech Republic, France and Germany, TARA FUKI also plans to visit Poland. (from Amazon)
Tara Fuki的第二張專輯,也是幾個月前聼過的,直到今天心血來潮才來寫一寫。乾脆一鼓作氣把她們的三張專輯都寫了,因爲我確實非常喜歡她們的音樂。在我寫的第一篇[Tara Fuki|Piosenki Do Snu]純粹之美難以言傳裏已經對她們做了一些簡單的介紹了,所以不再贅餘,直接說她們的音樂了。
但是這張CD中Tara Fuki讓我們親眼目睹了她們的實力。在保持原本就已經相當完美的大提琴組合以及Andrea Konstankiewicz & Dorota Blahutová的美妙和聲,又加入了一些新的元素,那就是Mario Bussi的作品的採樣。此外以捷克語、波蘭語以及法語來演繹這些佳作,這些使得這張專輯充滿質感,你可以盡興地從中體會到東歐民謠的精髓,以及她們音樂 中親切之美。
開篇一曲Cichy Placz足夠令我們感受到命運的力量,繼而跟隨Tara Fuki進入了這似乎充滿苦難與掙扎的生命之旅。尤其是結尾的很長的一段大提琴華彩,從如同精疲力盡的喘息緩慢而微弱,然後漸漸變快變強,隨之層次也越來 越豐富,逐漸加入各種聲音的採樣與合成,凝聚成了暴風驟雨大作時排山倒海的氣勢與力量。之後的Kapka以一個用擬聲詞演唱的和聲唱段開篇,異常地和諧與 特別,典型的東歐民謠曲調,迅速有力,似乎在宣告女性的一種強勢,頗有點女權主義味道。Oci是一首非常棒的作品,前半部的女聲輕唱帶著哀傷又優雅的氣 質,但是到了后半部像情緒爆發一樣,似乎是對命運的抗爭。在激情的大提琴演奏中融入了許多現代音樂元素,比如使用了以前從不用的架子鼓,這絕對是對自我的 一種突破。這種反抗精神在Okamzik中得以延續,這是專輯中另一首用了同樣的擬聲詞唱法演唱的歌曲,歌名大概是“瞬間”的意思。充滿無限力量的大提琴 的雙重奏作爲開篇,氣氛緊張,好似在黑暗中摸索,自強不息。結尾処的一聲雞鳴令人印象深刻,似乎在告訴我們黑夜已經過去,曙光就在眼前。於是,緊接著的也 是最後一曲的Na lace是整張專輯中最輕鬆的track,以輕快開始,平和為主題,高潮部分充滿歡愉和自由的氣氛。尤其是結尾的歡呼聲,似乎在向世人宣告這場命運的洗禮 以獲得釋放的勝利而告終,這是多麽大快人心、令人欣慰的結局啊。
V dymu是這張專輯中我唯一能夠找到Video的一首歌,非常喜歡的一個作品。在這個作品中你能看到兩個女生僅僅依靠撥動兩把大提琴的琴絃,就能夠營造出如此寧靜並且深遠的意境。我想如果一個藝術傢經歷了他的前一個優秀作品從問世到成功,壓力一定是特別大的。因爲人們都對他們抱以巨大的希望,等待著他們下一個優秀作品的誕生。而這下一個優秀作品是不可以重復過去的,不可以沒有創新的。
但是這張CD中Tara Fuki讓我們親眼目睹了她們的實力。在保持原本就已經相當完美的大提琴組合以及Andrea Konstankiewicz & Dorota Blahutová的美妙和聲,又加入了一些新的元素,那就是Mario Bussi的作品的採樣。此外以捷克語、波蘭語以及法語來演繹這些佳作,這些使得這張專輯充滿質感,你可以盡興地從中體會到東歐民謠的精髓,以及她們音樂 中親切之美。
開篇一曲Cichy Placz足夠令我們感受到命運的力量,繼而跟隨Tara Fuki進入了這似乎充滿苦難與掙扎的生命之旅。尤其是結尾的很長的一段大提琴華彩,從如同精疲力盡的喘息緩慢而微弱,然後漸漸變快變強,隨之層次也越來 越豐富,逐漸加入各種聲音的採樣與合成,凝聚成了暴風驟雨大作時排山倒海的氣勢與力量。之後的Kapka以一個用擬聲詞演唱的和聲唱段開篇,異常地和諧與 特別,典型的東歐民謠曲調,迅速有力,似乎在宣告女性的一種強勢,頗有點女權主義味道。Oci是一首非常棒的作品,前半部的女聲輕唱帶著哀傷又優雅的氣 質,但是到了后半部像情緒爆發一樣,似乎是對命運的抗爭。在激情的大提琴演奏中融入了許多現代音樂元素,比如使用了以前從不用的架子鼓,這絕對是對自我的 一種突破。這種反抗精神在Okamzik中得以延續,這是專輯中另一首用了同樣的擬聲詞唱法演唱的歌曲,歌名大概是“瞬間”的意思。充滿無限力量的大提琴 的雙重奏作爲開篇,氣氛緊張,好似在黑暗中摸索,自強不息。結尾処的一聲雞鳴令人印象深刻,似乎在告訴我們黑夜已經過去,曙光就在眼前。於是,緊接著的也 是最後一曲的Na lace是整張專輯中最輕鬆的track,以輕快開始,平和為主題,高潮部分充滿歡愉和自由的氣氛。尤其是結尾的歡呼聲,似乎在向世人宣告這場命運的洗禮 以獲得釋放的勝利而告終,這是多麽大快人心、令人欣慰的結局啊。
V dymu是這張專輯中我唯一能夠找到Video的一首歌,非常喜歡的一個作品。在這個作品中你能看到兩個女生僅僅依靠撥動兩把大提琴的琴絃,就能夠營造出如此寧靜並且深遠的意境。
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