Artist:Tara Fuki
Release Date:2007-05-22
Label:Indies Records
Genre: Folk
Style: Folk,Classical
1. Lej,Lej,Lej 03:48
2. Ty i ja 03:11
3. Niezawsze 05:16
4. Slady 04:14
5. Sloneczko 04:13
6. Czerwone jabluszko 05:26
7. Majli 04:26
8. Mily moj 02:29
9. Piano 01:21
10. Klucz 05:00
11. Biale Fale 05:44
Sound magicians with violoncellos, Tara Fuki duo, recorded the third album and named it "Auris" (from Latin, meaning an "ear", but also to hear and listen carefully). Their previous albums met with great success both domestic and international and brought Tara Fuki to the top of the Czech alternative scene. The band even gained two awards of the Academy of Popular Music "Andel 2001" for the debut album Piosenki do snu.
This time, Tara Fuki with the contribution of invited guests offer their listeners an exceptional music tidbit. Contrary to the previous recordings, Auris is emotionally richer and deeper, livelier and with sound that is unique on the Czech musical scene. In ten compositions, the listener is captured by the lightness with which Tara Fuki incorporate their cellos into the gurgling potion of tones let out by mysterious instruments such as Swiss hangs, Indian tabla, Pakistani kanjira and with which it engagingly caresses instruments almost classical (piano, guitar and bass clarinet). The enormous power of artistic expression of Tara Fuki dwells in their utterly natural vocal spontaneity and perfect coordination based on mutual complementation. Dorota's mighty and velvet dark alto underlined by Andrea's frail soprano gives origin to unique hues and nuances. Polish lyrics (mainly written by D. Barova) inspired by personal relationships and intimate conversations between two people, present a powerful testimony. With the help of precisely cut crystal clear music they enable a multiple view of dark recesses of the kaleidoscope of the human soul. The overall sound of Tara Fuki has been extended with new instruments and also with a whole range of means of expression, and thus we are accompanied through the music waterfall by bewitching incantation whisper and lyrical jazz ballad to earthy ecstatic trance, in order to eventually hear two naked voices highlighted.
The songs originated gradually on travels, during breaks between concerts, and they were most intensely worked on during the heat of last summer; they were recorded before the end of the year in the Prague studio of Petr Pinos. The producer and sound director is Ales Hyvnar (Al-Yaman), who discreetly wrapped the remarkable music world of Tara Fuki in the spices of a very contemporary dimension. The preparation of the new album took longer this time that it was with the previous ones due to the fact that Andrea Konstankiewicz has moved to France for good.
Andrea answers the question whether Tara Fuki is happier to give concerts in this country or abroad: "The most beautiful concerts are in places where we manage to create a special atmosphere. When the air suddenly thickens and time stops in one magic moment: this happens when the audiences start to breathe with us or they suddenly hold their breath."
The song "Lej, lej" has been provided with a video clip, recorded by Marta Svobodova, the front woman of Budoar Stare Damy band.(Indies records 2007)
"The most beautiful concerts are in places where we manage to create a special atmosphere. When the air suddenly thickens and time stops in one magic moment: this happens when the audiences start to breathe with us or they suddenly hold their breath."
這是Andrea Konstankiewicz被問及更喜歡在國内還是國外舉行音樂會時所做出的回答,因爲Andrea已經移居法國。這也就使兩個演奏大提琴的聲音魔術師 爲什麽準備了四年之久,在今年的五月才為我們帶來她們的第三張專輯Auris的主要原因。Auris是拉丁文“耳朵”的意思,也有細心聆聽之意。她們之前 的兩張專輯不僅使她們在國内和國際上都獲得巨大的成功,而且使她們成爲捷克另類民謠中的No.1。
聼 過前兩張專輯之後,自然對這張專輯能帶來多少新鮮感會非常好奇。這次,Tara Fuki邀請到了一些藝術傢一起為我們這些聽衆奉上了一場不可思議的音樂盛宴。相比較前兩張有些深沉與肅穆的專輯,此次Auris用大提琴營造了更加豐 富、更加愉悅,也更加活潑的情緒。但無論哪种情感,Tara Fuki的音樂無疑在捷克音樂界都是獨樹一幟的。
這張專輯中的歌曲陸續地創 作于旅行之中,音樂會之間的小憩中等等,最密集的工作是在去年夏天進行的,年底前在Petr Pinos布拉格的音樂工作室錄製完成。捷克著名的音樂人Ales Hyvnar擔當製作人和編導,為她們非同尋常的音樂做了嚴謹的包裝、精心的打造。歌詞是用波蘭語寫成的(大部分是出自D. Barova),靈感來自于兩人之間的關係與親密的交談,似乎代表著一種亙古不變的誓言。在這種水晶一般純淨的音樂映襯下,多角度地展現了人類靈魂這個萬 花筒中的幽深之処。
在這張CD中,令我印象最爲深刻的就是,大量的使用了鋼琴,這在前兩張專輯中是聼不到的。另外,她們還使用了許多其他 的古典元素,像古典吉他、單簧管等等。更令我們大吃一驚的是,Tara Fuki不僅將她們倆把大提琴的合奏融入這些曾經幾乎不使用的古典元素之中,為我展現了她們深厚的古典音樂功底和清新優雅的女性氣質,還加入許許多多惹人 喜愛我們不常能聽到的神秘樂器,比如説,瑞士的Hang(我不知道中文應該翻譯成什麽。是一種鋼制的鼓,用手指來敲擊,比一般的steel drum聲音更加柔和一些)、印度的塔佈拉手鼓,還有巴基斯坦的Kanjira(我 也不知道中文應該如何翻譯,堪吉拉嗎?是巴基斯坦一帶家庭中經常用的小手鼓,是印度鼓中最難演奏的一種,用右手的手掌和手指演奏,左手的指尖按壓外邊緣附 近進行輔助調節)等等一些很稀奇的民族樂器。大概就如同她們的唱片封面一樣,Tara Fuki在逐漸變得更豐富更成熟吧。
Swiss Hang & Pakistani Kanjira
在Tara Fuki的音樂中不能不提到的就是她們完美的和聲,因爲她們的音樂中最強有力的藝術表達就是在她們這種自然而然的絕對純粹的和聲之中。這種完美的和諧基於 她們的相互補充。Dorota那種有些大氣磅礴又有些像深色的天鵝絨一樣的中音,被Andrea那種有點清爽又有點脆弱的高音襯托,形成了這種獨一無二的 配色。喜歡Ty i ja那種帶著原始神秘感的氣勢如虹,激情的演唱以塔佈拉手鼓伴奏,參雜著好似土著人的聲音合著節拍,令人情緒激動。Niezawsze是鋼琴和大提琴這對 黃金組合的精彩呈現。也喜歡Slady的抑揚頓挫帶來的空間感。Sloneczko是一首激蕩起伏的東歐民謠,似乎又帶有些阿拉伯音樂的味道,節奏感十 足,各種樂器繁複交錯,很喜歡。Czerwone jabluszko又有點非洲音樂節奏帶來的現代感。Majli好似在我們左右耳邊講述了一個神秘的傳説,層次分明的編曲使這些豐富的層次產生了無限廣闊 的空間效應。在Mily moj中我們能夠聽到兩人純粹意義上的完美和聲,原因就是沒有伴奏,絕對的清唱。緊接著的track是專輯中的一個小插曲,完全的純淨深情的鋼琴,似乎在 彌補上一個清唱唱段,在專輯中顯得很特別。插曲過後的兩個track為我們演繹了不一樣的爵士風情,永遠好像帶著憂傷的爵士樂以這種想象不到的方式將 Tara Fuki從之前跳動歡愉的情緒中逐漸恢復了往日的平靜與内斂,結束了這四年之後的相遇。
聼Auris 的感覺就像一場美好的旅程,從開篇有些西班牙風情的Lej,Lej,Lej開始,穿過那令人心醉的咒語般的低吟和抒情的爵士歌謠匯聚而成的音樂清流,順勢 而下歡騰愉悅像湍急的瀑布一樣一瀉千里,之後展現給我們的是一片豁然開朗的淨空淨土。如同翻越了千山萬水,最終為的只是聆聽她們這渾然天成的聲音,或者僅 僅是那顆赤誠的心。
The song "Lej,Lej,Lej" has been provided with a video clip, recorded by Marta Svobodova, the front woman of Budoar Stare Damy band. 嚴重推薦一下,沒聼過的朋友可以通過這一曲,來感受一下她們音樂的魅力。
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